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About Roche Art Group

Welcome to Roche Art Group's Website....Thrilled to have you here in our arty little corner of the internet....  and I hope you enjoy your visit!


Here are a few excerpts of paintings produced by group members:

(You can see them full size on the Artwork page)


About Us......


Roche Art was formed in 1990 by a group of local artists attending evening classes together.  The classes came to an end, but many of the students wanted to continue meeting up and painting together... and so the group started.  Meetings have been held on a regular basis ever since, and in January 2011, the Group relocated to their present venue, where they continue to meet on a Wednesday evening.


Our members have a wide and varied range of ability and skills.... and we encourage the exchange of tips and techniques.  Some of our members joined with no previous experience or training in art, just bucketloads of enthusiasm and are now arting along happily and confidently!  Other members are more experienced, and are more than happy to lend a helpful word or two if asked....  Some of the group happily accept commissions, and nearly all the group enter paintings in our Exhibtions.


We meet once a week in a local hall, where we paint and chat, and drink tea and coffee. We do have breaks over Christmas, Easter and Summer, and in the summer we organize outings so the group can continue to get together and paint.  Recent outings have included Paper Mill Lock, Ingatestone Hall and Heybridge Basin.  We also have a just for fun Summer Challenge to keep us all painting over the break.  We do try have the odd demo or workshop during the year, with a local artist coming in to teach us all new skills.. these are great fun and can get very hands on... the charcoal workshop was amazing, and very messy!


We hold an Annual Exhibition where all members are encouraged to display their work.. and these are a resounding success... most of the paintings shown are available to buy, and we do have a steady turnover of sales from this and other semi permanent displays the group have in the community... For more on our exhibitions and dates.. please see the *Exhibitions* page.


Visitors are very welcome to come along and meet us.  In fairness to our members, we ask that visitors only attend twice as a visitor, and then attend as paid up members.... our fees are very reasonable and we are a great group to be a part of!  Should you require more information, please use the *Contacts* page and someone will get back to you.  Please note.. we are not a structured group in that we do not have weekly lessons etc.. we all sit and paint at our own pace and on our own personal subject choice... but there is always someone to chat to or figure out any issues with.


A few more bits about us... Roche Art is a Club Member of the SAA .  One of the benefits is that art materials may be purchased at very reasonable prices.... and we have a page on their website to show off our artwork.


Roche Art Group has a Formal Constitution and is run in accordance with the procedures.  We have a Committee who are responsible for the running of the group and all the boring things like hall rental, insurance, buying the tea and coffee *grin* , organizing venues to hold exhibitions, setting up websites, and various other paperwork which leaves the rest of the group free to paint!  There are Committee meetings during the year and we have an AGM where all members are encouraged to take part, as it is a group effort in making the Group so much fun and a success.... there are no secrets.  The committee just do the boring bits for you all! 

Having said all that.....  Enjoy our site.. and hopefully.. if you are a local artist or art enthusiast.. we might get to see you soon!

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