Join Us
Where we meet:
St Teresa’s Parish Centre,
109 Ashingdon Road,
Most Wednesday Evenings 7.15 till 9.45
PLEASE contact us before you turn up..... just in case we are not there that night
for any reason, we would hate for you to have had a wasted trip!
e-mail address:
Bernard: 07913 803666
John: 07549 991105
Roche Art Group
For more information about Roche Art, or about joining us, exhibiting our Art Work, or if you are an Artist who would like to do a demonstration to our art group please get in touch!
e-mail addr:-
Roche Art Group Committee:-
John Newbury: President
Bernard Westaway: Chairperson
Ken Weeks: Hon. Secretary
John Cowley: Hon. Treasurer
Bernard Westaway: Exhibition Co-Ordinator
John Rodwell: Website Manager
Ken Weeks: Publicity
Susan Vinson: Publicity
Judith Silver: Committee Member