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Showcase: Rolling Back The Years - Ken Weeks

I often sit and try to remember past days when we were a lot younger and in our youth, so I decided to look back at some of my

old paintings. They date back to school work and later, and made interesting viewing. Once I was married and bringing up children,

art took a back burner and my paintings laid in the loft for years. I was wondering if any other members of the group have any of

their old work, it would be interesting seeing what they did then as to their style of painting now. If enough members had old work we could all bring in a couple of pieces to display at one of our Wednesday meetings. Comments would be appreciated. To get

you all excited as to what’s on offer here are three of mine from 1966/67.


(Click on a picture to enlarge)




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Ken 3.PNG
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Actively promoting art locally.....

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